Mileva 33

QOGI for hydrocarbon HC gas leaks

Mileva 33 is SENSIA’s latest model of Quantitative Optical Gas Imaging (QOGI) for the detection of fugitive emissions of hydrocarbon gases (HxCx). It integrates a spectrally optimized high-resolution cooled detector that increases the detection sensitivity for leaks down to 0.4 g/h of CH4.

Mileva 33 by PASSIVE IR absorption can detect all the hydrocarbons and VOCs (including CH4) on the 3,2 – 3.4 μm wavelength.

The detection distance is higher than 100m and VOC leak images and videos can be recorded and played inmediately.


Quantitative OGI

SENSIA Handheld cameras integrate a very reliable software which implements strongly tested algorithms for gas detection combined with the most advanced signal integration technology and data analytics. This embedded processing based on SENSIA’s Redlook technology allows the QOGI to perform sophisticated analytics as Quantification of the flow rate of the observed gas.

With SENSIA QOGI cameras, you can scan broad sections of equipment and survey areas where traditional contact measurement tools cannot access

Enhanced Mode

RedLook Handheld cameras provides advanced functionalities oriented to enhance the detection of fugitive emissions such as different gas processing algorithms and image contrast control, among others. In addition to these features, it includes a video recovery tool for on-field review of the videos recorded in the QOGI.


Optimizing The User Experience With A Visual & Predictive Interface

Temperature indicator
Shows the precise temperature value of those elements shown on the center of the image.

Auto-contrast mode
Enhancement of the thermal image to get the optimum temperature values for each scenario.

Up to 5 color palettes
Different color palette available by double clicking on the palette bar and providing the temperture in Celsius.

Saturated pixels colored
Any pixel exposed to extreme temperatures is hightlighted and a warning indicator is triggered.

Mileva for leaktightness verification

Mileva 33 has a new design, a 5-inch touch screen and runs under RedLook Handheld, the most powerful and intuitive software for gas visualization. This control and analysis software unfold the full potential of Mileva 33 Optical Gas Imaging.

Mileva 33 has the main international certifications in temperature, humidity, vibration, dust and water intrusion and hazardous environments.